Gérard Basset - a memory
Chestnuts: Chestnut Chocolate Cake
Chestnuts: Potatoes with Chestnuts, Bacon & Mushrooms
Chestnuts: Chestnut, Prune and Sausage Stuffing
Chestnuts: Pork Tenderloins Layered with Chestnuts and Mushrooms
Chestnuts: Chestnut Soup
Chestnuts: Introduction, tips & quick ideas
Tomatoes: Mediterranean Tomato and Olive Tarts
Tomatoes: Spanish Tomato Sauce
Tomatoes: Baked Sea Bream with Tarragon and Tomatoes
Tomatoes: Tomato and Ricotta Sformata
Tomatoes: Gelée de Tomates
Tomatoes: Introduction & How To Peel
Herbs: Tips and Extras
Herbs: Raspberry, Rosé and Rosemary Sorbet
Herbs: Roast Chicken with Thyme and Cream Cheese
Herbs: Dill and Orange-Stuffed Whole Roast Fish
Herbs: Risotto with rosemary and parsley
Herbs: Rocket, Basil, Mint and Parsley Soup
Blackcurrants: Tips and Extras