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Salads: Potato, Chorizo, Prawn and Paprika Salad
Salad doesn’t have to be something on the side or a bit of greenery bringing up the rear. It can be a starter or the main event and it...
Apr 4, 2016
Chocolate: Tips and Extras
Happy Easter! To celebrate, I'm rounding off my chocolate recipe series with some tips and extras, including the all-important question...
Mar 27, 2016
Chocolate: Hot Chocolate Puddings
A rich lava-like centre underneath a crisp crust, and a dark, brooding chocolate flavour - quintessential winter comfort, but a taste...
Mar 24, 2016
Chocolate: Pressed Chocolate Cake
This is a River Café Cookbook recipe. Over the years, I have tried varying it by adding chopped crystallised and stem ginger, rum-soaked...
Mar 19, 2016
Chocolate: Spiced Chocolate Nut Terrine
This needs a couple of hours to chill, but apart from that it’s a doddle to prepare and is not cooked. It works equally well with...
Mar 13, 2016
Chocolate: Chocolate Chip Biscuits
These light-textured shortbread-like biscuits go down well with everyone from tinies through to nineties, probably because they are less...
Mar 7, 2016

Chocolate: Dark Chocolate Orange Mousse
This may lack sophistication as a strategy, but experience has shown that there are two surefire ways to success when giving a lunch or...
Mar 1, 2016
Boozy Food with Spirits: Tips and Extras
Fortify yourself with… A bottle of madeira and a bottle of Australian liqueur muscat or PX (pedro ximenez) sherry. •Use the madeira for...
Feb 29, 2016
Boozy Food with Spirits: Fish en Papillote with Vermouth
An effortless way to cook whole fish, either one per person or sharing. Just put the fish in a foil parcel with herbs and liquor and put...
Feb 25, 2016
Boozy Food with Spirits: Petits Pots de Chocolate
Aka irresistible chocolate mousse with rum. It's another simple classic that we could all be making instead of more elaborate cakes. And...
Feb 21, 2016
Boozy Food with Spirits: Garlicky Prawns Flambéd in Whiskey
Irish whiskey may sound unlikely, but trust me. Ideally you should buy live prawns and cook them yourself, but I’ve been known to use...
Feb 17, 2016
Boozy Food with Spirits: Syllabub
Why aren’t we all eating syllabub? It’s a breeze to make and delicious. This one, based on Elizabeth David’s classic Everlasting...
Feb 10, 2016
Boozy Food with Spirits: Tuna Ceviche with Vodka and Lime
Far be it from me to suggest that anyone should find cooking with wine in Britain off-puttingly expensive, but I do concede that, thanks...
Feb 2, 2016
Boozy Food with Wine: Tips and Extras
Look up the recipe for Coq au Vin in Larousse and it advises using a Chambertin or a Mercurey. Helpful or what? A Chambertin will set you...
Jan 30, 2016
Boozy Food with Wine: Aromatic Dried Fruit in Red Wine
This dark, spicy, autumnal dish can be made two or three days in advance and kept in the fridge. Serve it cold, tepid or warm, with...
Jan 23, 2016
Boozy Food with Wine: Beef with Shallots in Red Wine
Everybody needs a failsafe, rich and warming beef casserole recipe for winter. This is mine. I always use shin, because it has such a...
Jan 16, 2016
Boozy Food with Wine: 7-hour Leg of Lamb
This is not the most sophisticated-looking of dishes – you have to serve the meat in chunks rather than neat slices - but it’s incredibly...
Jan 9, 2016
Boozy Food with Wine: Fennel Risotto
Call me biased, but I reckon that the secret weapon the great chefs never mention is booze. They bang on about how they use only the...
Jan 2, 2016
Cheap Entertaining: Pears in Moscatel
Anything this lacks in colour compared with pears poached in red wine it more than makes up for in flavour - and on the budget front it...
Nov 22, 2015
Cheap Entertaining: Pork Chops with Mustard & Honey
Pork is cheap, but chops are often so lean (obsessively so in supermarkets) they need remedial treatment to stop them being dry. The...
Nov 15, 2015
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