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Jan 9, 2016
Boozy Food with Wine: 7-hour Leg of Lamb
This is not the most sophisticated-looking of dishes – you have to serve the meat in chunks rather than neat slices - but it’s incredibly...
Jan 2, 2016
Boozy Food with Wine: Fennel Risotto
Call me biased, but I reckon that the secret weapon the great chefs never mention is booze. They bang on about how they use only the...
Nov 15, 2015
Cheap Entertaining: Pork Chops with Mustard & Honey
Pork is cheap, but chops are often so lean (obsessively so in supermarkets) they need remedial treatment to stop them being dry. The...
Nov 8, 2015
Cheap Entertaining: Milk-Braised Lamb with Fennel
If the sound of meat and milk sounds odd, remember that pork braised in milk has a impeccable pedigree from both Venice and southwest...
Nov 1, 2015
Cheap Entertaining: Lazy Baked Chicken with Soy and Ginger
Another from my Sunday Times recipe series, again very relevant right now - November and the run-up to Christmas are definitely a time...
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