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Herbs: Dill and Orange-Stuffed Whole Roast Fish
This is a simple, zingy stuffing for whole fish such as sea bass, bream, red mullet, mackerel or trout or whatever is in season and...
Aug 20, 2016
Salads: DIY Salades Composées - Part 2
See Part 1 of my Salades Composées two-part series here. Salad dressings The soy and ginger dressing (from my Smoked Salmon Salad recipe)...
Apr 24, 2016
Salads: DIY Salades Composées - Part 1
This is part one of two - today's post on salad components will be followed by part two tomorrow on dressings. Top tips Don’t have too...
Apr 23, 2016
Salads: Smoked Salmon Salad with Soy and Ginger Dressing
Smoked salmon with brown bread should be a treat, but when you’ve had too many garden parties with canapés of sun-warmed smoked salmon on...
Apr 11, 2016
Salads: Potato, Chorizo, Prawn and Paprika Salad
Salad doesn’t have to be something on the side or a bit of greenery bringing up the rear. It can be a starter or the main event and it...
Apr 4, 2016
Boozy Food with Spirits: Fish en Papillote with Vermouth
An effortless way to cook whole fish, either one per person or sharing. Just put the fish in a foil parcel with herbs and liquor and put...
Feb 25, 2016
Boozy Food with Spirits: Garlicky Prawns Flambéd in Whiskey
Irish whiskey may sound unlikely, but trust me. Ideally you should buy live prawns and cook them yourself, but I’ve been known to use...
Feb 17, 2016
Boozy Food with Spirits: Tuna Ceviche with Vodka and Lime
Far be it from me to suggest that anyone should find cooking with wine in Britain off-puttingly expensive, but I do concede that, thanks...
Feb 2, 2016
Breakfast & Brunch: Kedgeree
Is it just me or have we become oddly unimaginative about breakfast, belying the British reputation for starting the day with the closest...
Sep 26, 2015
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